According to the Dean’s Council Meeting No 3/8-11-2000 it was decided to create a Historical Archive of the Faculty covering the period 1955-1982 which would include the collection, the organization, the classification, the recording and the evaluation of the available items/data aiming to:
- Preserve and rescue the archive due to it’s significance as a presumption of the Faculty’s history and
- To become a source for researchers in the future.
Commission of the Historical Archive
To implement this project, the Dean formed a committee consisting of:
- Muridis Myronas, Professor, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering
- Papamixos Nikolaos, Associate Professor, School of Architecture
- Polanagnostakis Pavlos, Manager of the library of Schools of Chemical Engineering and
- Hastaoglou Vilma, Associate Professor, School of Architecture.
The Archive
The archive of the Faculty was first placed in a specially designed area at the Dean’s office and at the basement of Central Library, unclassified and disorganized. Now it is placed at the exhibiting area of the School of Architecture. This place has just been renovated and properly equipped making it a comfortable workplace, also holding adequate working equipment for the future researchers. The files were transfered with and stored safely in glass showcases, which make the files easily accessible. This Archive forms the basis of the Historical Archive of the Faculty of Engineering.
Classification and elaboration of the Archive
The Archive has been classified in thematic topics relevant to the original classification in order to preserve the historical value.
The Archive is classified in these four categories:
- Academic field related files
- Administrative issues related files
- Student issues related files
- Government Gazette related files
The “Historical Archive of the Faculty of Engineering” is considered to be very important in order to continue collecting, elaborating and classifying from various sources of the Faculty. The archive is extended through the time with additional material from several sources, according to the original objective of the Archive, its use of the university community and the promotion of the Faculty of Engineering to the society.
According to the Dean’s Council Meeting No 3/8-11-2000 it was decided to create a Historical Archive of the Faculty covering the period 1955-1982 which would include the collection, the organization, the classification, the recording and the evaluation of the available items/data aiming to:
- Preserve and rescue the archive due to it’s significance as a presumption of the Faculty’s history and
- To become a source for researchers in the future.
Commission of the Historical Archive
To implement this project, the Dean formed a committee consisting of:
- Muridis Myronas, Professor, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering
- Papamixos Nikolaos, Associate Professor, School of Architecture
- Polanagnostakis Pavlos, Manager of the library of Schools of Chemical Engineering and
- Hastaoglou Vilma, Associate Professor, School of Architecture.
The Archive
The archive of the Faculty was first placed in a specially designed area at the Dean’s office and at the basement of Central Library, unclassified and disorganized. Now it is placed at the exhibiting area of the School of Architecture. This place has just been renovated and properly equipped making it a comfortable workplace, also holding adequate working equipment for the future researchers. The files were transfered with and stored safely in glass showcases, which make the files easily accessible. This Archive forms the basis of the Historical Archive of the Faculty of Engineering.
Classification and elaboration of the Archive
The Archive has been classified in thematic topics relevant to the original classification in order to preserve the historical value.
The Archive is classified in these four categories:
- Academic field related files
- Administrative issues related files
- Student issues related files
- Government Gazette related files
The “Historical Archive of the Faculty of Engineering” is considered to be very important in order to continue collecting, elaborating and classifying from various sources of the Faculty. The archive is extended through the time with additional material from several sources, according to the original objective of the Archive, its use of the university community and the promotion of the Faculty of Engineering to the society.
In order to develop further the Historical Archive of the Faculty of Engineering, it is necessary to continue the work and to perform the following tasks:
Part A
- Continue recording and processing the elements of the students from the School of Chemical Engineering, the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the School of Mechanical Engineering, after removing the contrains put by the Secretariats of Schools with respect to personal data.
- Collect more photographic, taped and recorded material from the personal archive of the active and from the retired Professors of the Faculty as well. For this purpose an attached document is submitted.
- Conduct further research on the Government’s Gazette from the years 1955-1974 and 1980-1982, and then register stock and processing Laws, Presidential Decrees, Ministerial Decisions etc, referring to the Faculty of Engineering.
- Conduct further research on the Yearbooks of Aristotle University from 1955 to 1982, except for those which are already part of the archive, and then exploit their content involving the Faculty of Engineering.
- Research, record and sort the content of the Science Yearbooks of the Faculty of Engineering, of the period 1955-1982.
- Record and assort the content of the Study Guides of the Schools of the Faculty of Engineering.
- Collect, record and sort any material relevant to the social work of the students, and the faculty members.
- Create a website of the Historical Archive of the School of Engineering which will hold all the material of the Archive.
- Publish the file so it can be used by researchers.
Part B
- Continue the operation and the enhancement the Historical Archive in order to:
- enhance the database with materials contained to the archive of several sources (Professors’ retirements, personal archives etc).
- deepen the process-classification within the content of the files, and
- finish the database of the archive with data of the student population for the rest of the Schools. The completion of the database will help the Schools Secretaries, decreasing the time of issuing licenses and generally improve the services to Faculty members, and others. Furthermore, it is important that with the completion of the computerization, future research on processing characteristics of the student population of the period such as, origin, sex, parents’ work, guidance of studding through options / diplomatic etc will be enabled. We emphasize on the basis of personal data not been accessible in third parties, but only with the legal requirements the apply generally to the Archive of the Faculty.
- Collection and assortment of the material from press. Recording and sorting the articles, the references etc, which are relating to the Faculty of Engineering from the local press and from national newspapers from 1955 to 1982, has a particular interest, because shows the reception and acceptance of the new Faculty of the Scientific and Intellectual community, business and general public of Thessaloniki. The implementation of this proposal will lead in a collection of information for the action and the life generally of the Faculty, which will be an important legacy for the Historical Archive of the Faculty of Engineering generally.
50 year’s anniversary since the establishment of the Faculty of Engineering (1955-2005)
During the celebration of the 50 years since the establishment of the Faculty of Engineering, it was proposed to present a part of the archive to the community of the University and the city as well. A Committee of the Historical Archive was formed to create a report about which parts of the archive could be presented. The purpose of this report was to present sufficient samples from three categories of the Archive (Faculty, Administrative & Student) of the Faculty of Engineering. The ultimate purpose of the report was to evaluate the usefulness of the Archive which is presented, to seize future Archives (About “50 years - A tribute to the Faculty of Engineering”, see also here).
Law and the Faculty of Engineering
The law texts presented here are from the website “Raptarchis – Code of Law” --> Topics by Vol. 31A, publication 06/04/2007 (doc file).
Collection of Laws and Decrees (1958)
This is a collection of Laws and Decrees relevant to the Faculty of Engineering of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, project of the memorable George Nitsiotas, Professor of the School of Civil Engineering and first Dean of the Faculty. (pdf file).
Modern Greek Language in Management (1977)
A book of the Ministry of Presidency of Greek Government/ General Direction of Public Administration in order to simplify the language used in the public documents by the Public Services and Organizations including exemplars. (pdf file).