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Postgraduate Studies

Single-school programs that come under the relevant Schools:

Sustainable design of structures against earthquakes and other natural hazards (Scool of Civil Engineering)

MSc ASTE specialises mainly in seismic engineering and risk reduction against earthquake and other natural hazards, such as floods and landslides, with the ultimate goal of sustainable development.
MSc ASTE aims in the integrated specialization and training of civil engineers in the design of civil engineering projects against natural hazards, with a focus on seismic risk, which is particularly important in Greece.
The holders of the MSc ASTE acquire specialized knowledge in the field of seismic engineering and seismic design of structures as well as in the related subjects of the design of structures against various natural hazards …

Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development (Scool of Civil Engineering)

The program has a professional orientation and aims at the specialized training of civil engineers, engineers or scientists of other related disciplines, in environmental protection technology and in socio-economic and institutional issues directly related to environmental planning and the impact of projects and actions on sustainable development.
Main objectives of the program are:
To promote interdisciplinary knowledge and research in environment and sustainable development.
To provide high quality postgraduate education and promote positive attitudes and behaviour in the sensitive areas of environmental protection and sustainable development.
Training of young scientists and professionals to upgrade the country’s human resources in the context of a dynamic economic and technological development policy.
To provide rapid specialisation in these vital sectors and to equip graduates of the programme for a professional career in the public or private sector or for the continuation of their postgraduate studies at doctoral level.

Environmental Architectural and Urban Design (Scool of Architecture)

The Postgraduate Studies Program (PSP) in “Environmental Architectural and Urban Design” addresses the study, research and deep comprehension —at a postgraduate level of studies— of environmental architectural and urban design, which is essential for the national, developmental, educational, and research needs of the country.
The purpose of the Postgraduate Studies Program (PSP) in “Environmental Architectural and Urban Design” is to cultivate and promote scientific knowledge and research in the specific field of environmental design.

The program aspires to create an open and broad platform for long-term research and experimentation through architectural events of discourse and practice.
The aim of the master’s program is to refocus on the discussion and development of new knowledge, relevant competences and diverse skills that shape and support the profile of a contemporary creator-designer able to collaborate with other experts. This collaboration can yield innovative proposals, concerning the modern society of information and knowledge.

Water Resources (School of Rural and Surveying Engineering)

The program aims at the specialization of Higher Education graduates in scientific areas related to the management of surface and underground water resources as well as their quality control, which is a necessary social process to improve the standard of living of citizens.
The innovation of the program consists in the introduction and training in scientific tools and technological applications for the planning of the space and the more accurate quantitative and qualitative assessment of water resources, in order to facilitate decision-making and the planning of technical works.

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (School of Chemical Engineering)

The program is geared towards educating and training highly qualified engineers competent for being employed by any national or international institution. It also enhances research as well as transformation of research results into socially useful products in strategic domains for the country such as medical health, food industry, energy and environmental engineering.
There are two specializations in this program:
1. Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering in Health and Food
2. Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering in Energy and Environment.

Chemical and Biochemical Engineering: Health & Food (School of Chemical Engineering)

This Program focuses on the application of the basic principles of Chemical Engineering, for the design and analysis of processes, with an emphasis on food and drug production processes and therefore, for the Food and Health industries.

Aim of the Program is, on one hand, the training of high-level specialized scientists, capable of staffing any national or international, research, production, or administrative organization, and on the other hand, the encouragement of research in interdisciplinary, regional, and critical areas for Greece and globally, such as health and food.

Spatial Planning for Sustainable and Resilient Development (School of Spatial Planning and Development)

The Postgraduate Programme “Spatial Planning for Sustainable and Resilient Development” aims at offering high quality expert knowledge focusing on two thematic areas, comprised of the following disciplinary subjects:

(a) Spatial planning for sustainable and resilient regions: spatial adaptation strategies to climate change spatial planning and risk prevention and management economics and sustainable development urban and regional economic resilience social economy and resilience.

(b) Spatial Planning for Sustainable and Resilient Cities: sustainable urban development policies integrating sustainability and resilience into land use planning sustainable urban mobility and planning of resilient transport systems social cohesion and resilience commons and alternative spaces.

Interdepartmental Postgraduate Studies Programmes

Collaboration between the Auth Faculty of Engineering with other Schools or Hellenic Universities or Research Centers

Protection, Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Monuments

The scope of the Program is postgraduate education in the field of Protection, Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Monuments, with two specialisations:

A. Protection, Conservation and Restoration of Architectural Monuments.

B. Protection, Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art and Mechanisms.

The purpose and objectives of the Interdepartmental Postgraduate Studies Program (IPSP) are: the integrated scientific education at postgraduate level of young scientists by providing specialized knowledge of both a theoretical and practical nature, the promotion of knowledge and expertise in specific subjects, the cultivation of essential and harmonious interdisciplinary cooperation between those involved in the work of restoration scientists from different specialties, the development of research in relevant scientific areas and meeting the needs of the country in specialized administrative or technical personnel related to the subject of production units or services.

Landscape Architecture

The subject of the Postgraduate Programme in landscape architecture is landscape studies, design and planning, of urban, suburban, rural landscapes, natural and man-made environments. The programme provides students with basic scientific principles, integrated knowledge, techniques, methods and new technology which will enable them as scientists for the promotion of research in the field of landscape architecture, landscape design and management.

Museology - Cultural Management

Processes and Technology of Advanced Materials

The main objectives of the Postgraduate Program are the education in basic aspects of advanced materials technology and the preparation of students in conducting interdisciplinary research on cutting-edge problems of modern materials technology, the production of scientific potential and development of new know-how in the area of advanced materials and their production and characterization processes, as well as the linking and cooperation of Greek Universities, Research Centres and Industry in the field of advanced materials technology.
The Program is interdepartmental and in its organization and operation participate the Schools of Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Electrical & Computer Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering, as well as the School of Chemistry of the Faculty of Sciences of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

Advanced Computer and Communication Systems

The program aims in providing specialized knowledge on the use and development of advanced applications of Information and Communication Technologies, with the objective of creating a human resource with high theoretical training and know-how able to meet the needs arising by the rapidly advancing technological development, to staff new technology businesses and to constitute the core of the training of the rest of society.
At the same time, the aim is to strengthen interdisciplinary research, the preparation of innovative applied research projects and the development of the relevant sectors.

Biomedical Engineering

The objective of the Program is to provide specialized knowledge in the use and development of advanced applications of Biomedical Engineering technologies in health systems for prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. The aim is to select excellent graduates from relevant departments in the country and abroad and to train them in Biomedical Engineering to create a human resource with high theoretical training and expertise that will meet the needs of the rapidly developing technological development in the field. The graduates of the MSc will be able to successfully meet the needs for specialized scientific personnel in the field of biomedical technology and to occupy positions in the private and public sector as well as in Research and Higher Education Institutions.